When fuel deteriorates, it affects the efficient operation of your back up generators, and it can even prevent it from starting when you need it the most. If you are wondering if your fuel needs to be cleaned, book a consultation with the industry experts and gain peace of mind. Our technicians have years of experience and use Fuel Clean Canada’s comprehensive examination process to ensure you know the state of your fuel and tank and are informed of how to resolve any issues.
Our Process:
Examine and photograph site.
Examine exterior condition of piping and tank.
Examine secondary containment.
Take a fuel sample.
Check documentation for compliance.
Provide an estimate for cleaning the fuel.
What we do with the results:
Send fuel sample to the lab for testing.
Provide fuel sample test results with the estimate.
We respect the privacy and confidentiality of all findings and results.
How long does it take:
1 hour onsite.
Results and an estimate can be expected within 4 business days.
Appointements can be scheduled using the calendar below or by phone at (403) 258-0282 .