When you store diesel for any length of time it deteriorates. Water, microbes, dust and other particles collect until it is so contaminated that it will damage your equipment and cause fatal system failure.
Fuel Clean Canada has the answer. We will help you restore contaminated diesel fuel, protect your valuable equipment and prevent costly break-downs.
Three good reasons to have your diesel cleaned:
Learn more about diesel fuel contamination here
You could be personally, criminally liable
When you don’t clean or replace stored diesel, you’re breaking the fire code. That could mean a heavy fine – but did you know that when you break the fire code you could be held liable for any accidents or incidents that occur as a result?
It’s not worth the risk! But thanks to Fuel Clean Canada’s triple-filter process it’s possible to restore stored diesel, saving you the expense of discarding and replacing it. Fuel cleaning (also known as fuel polishing or conditioning) is the cost-effective, safe and environmentally friendly solution to diesel deterioration.
If your organization relies on diesel fuelled emergency equipment such as back-up or stand-by generators, don’t take chances. Call Fuel Clean Canada today on 403-803-6254 or email now.
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